It's been a long time since I've posted anything, not to mention any Old Towne Mall pictures. This is a shot of a pantomimist entertaining not only children, but an entire crowd of people at the mall. This section of Old Towne was one of the most photographed. I've seen several pictures of this area in old advertisements. It's great to see these old stores. This picture was taken directly in front of June's Needlecrafts (You can see the bottom half of the sign at the top of the photo. Behind that, although out of shot is Su Casa, and behind Su Casa is Jug's Candies. Also recessed behind Jug's is the Tartan Shop, a store that specialized in coats of arms. the little red store that is behind the Jug's candies sign is Ol' Swedes Scandinavian imports (The largest wooden clog dealer in the west). That big yellow building is Music World, where you can find the newest cassettes and 8 track tapes. The big red barn across the way housed several shops including Eyes Art Gallery, and the Indian Trading Post. The yellow building behind the man with the camera is The Athlete's Foot shoe store.
Here's a closer view of the clown. I'm not quite sure what she's doing other than looking at the balloon that just got away. It's great to see how much enjoyment kids got from the live entertainment at Old Towne.
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Tags: Old Towne Mall Torrance California