Monday, July 03, 2006


So Titanic was not my favorite movie. In fact I haven't actually seen it. But it was the highest grossing movie of all time, and that warrants a display at Movieland. As you walk through the entry, you will hear the song "My Heart Will Go On". You can hear it playing even after you make your way into the other sets of the Museum. This is perhaps the most extensive of the "new" sets, which is not saying much.

A slightly closer view of the figures. They did a good job with Di Caprio, but Kate Winslet looks unrealistic. But due to the music played, this is probably one of the most memorable displays for me.

This is the sign in the "water" which shows the scene number. I have no idea if these are supposed to be accurate. From what I can tell, the Wax Museum at Fisherman's Wharf already had a Titanic set. So the figures did not move there, and the did not go up for auction either. They must have moved to Korea, or were kept. The set, however, sold for $500.

Many of the figures moved to a sister wax museum at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. Find out which figures moved by visiting the Wax Museum's website here.


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