So I guess there were two Parasol restaurants in Southern California. One in Torrance, and one in Seal Beach. This photo is from the Seal beach location last year. This site has been in danger of redevelopment for a while, and is in fact now stripped to the bare wood. It is supposed to reopen next year as part of the new development, but I have no idea how close to the original design it will be. I am always afraid when something like this happens, the developers often "change" their mind and we end up losing our treasures. It would be a huge sham if this place reopened looking completely different than it was supposed to. It is just so beautiful and it would be a horrible to lose such an important piece of architectural originality.

This place on the other hand was not so fortunate, The Torrance location, known as Dinah's Parasol was demolished a few years ago. But I guess it was for the greater good, because we all needed yet another Walgreens Pharmacy. I figure style loses out to drugs every time. So when you're driving past Crenshaw Blvd. and PCH, remember to stop by the pharmacy and pick up some drugs, that's what it's there for.
Visit the friends of the Parasol and see photos of the construction here.
Or find a Walgreens near you here.
Tags: Parasol Architecture Roadside Attractions Demolition Googie