Monday, August 13, 2007

Sequoia- Moro Rock Then and Now

Last weekend I made my annual trip to Sequoia National Park. This was the first time since I've been married, and it was a blast. Today's pictures focus on one of the great treasures of the park, Moro Rock. In order to reach the top, one must climb countless steps, or t least it seems countless. This first picture shows what the rock looked like years ago, most likely the sixties. . .

And this shot shows how it looks now. As you can see, not much has changed at all! Maybe a little graffiti on a couple signs, but that's it.

Near the top.

A little teeter rock action.

I kind of like this shot.

I've always liked the trash cans in our National Parks.

View the official Sequoia National Park website here.


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